
The nature in which we are immersed in is our stage, a curtain that opens every day to our eyes. Surprising us a little bit more every day. It's our land. A unique and original show that repeats every year following the rules of the seasons. Here we care share an authentic story: the Cartizze Cru of Valdobbiadene.
Because only here, with attentive hands, eyes and ears, can we identify the heat of the sun, the directions of the wind, the abundance of the rains, the sudden changes in temperatures, which allow us to plant our vines wisely.
It is our land. But we enter as guests.

Colesel Vineyard

Earthly depth: 20 to 60 cm, with good mineral composition, dissolved with a good rain drainage. It guarantees in each vintage good reserves for the plant that manages to develop constantly and balancedly.
From good to Forte, favored by the position of the Colesel hill
Slopes: From 40% to 100%
Exhibition: South - East / South - West
Meters on the sea: 312
Products: Colesel Cartizza Pentagon 69 Brut

Tridik Vineyard

Location: Hamlet of Santo Stefano.
Morphology: limestone of karst origin, where the mother rock (biancon) has been broken and fragmented by water over time. In these cracks that have formed as capillaries, the land full of organic substance has deposited and created a way for the deepening of the roots. Here the plants, in search of nutrients and water, can get to explore the ground up to a depth of 4-5 meters.
Earthly depth: From 20 to 40 cm, very rich in limestone minerals that bring a good nourishment to the plants and transmit those particular characteristics to the grapes which will then find each other well mixed in the glass.
Ventilation: Intense, for the placement of the vineyard on the edge of the mountain just below the woods. This promotes a continuous exchange of fresh air that helps plants, the ripening of the fruit in the summer and limits the proliferation of mold and mushrooms.
Slopes: from 90% to 100%

Exposure: South
Meters on the sea: from 310 to 430
Products: Colesel Quota 430 Tridik

Noai and Fei Vineyard

Location: Santo Stefano hamlet. Morphology: marly limestone and clay belonging to the Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene geological era. These formations are located south of the Cretaceous in parallel ridges from west to east. These formations are the most interesting for the cultivation of our Prosecco vine.
Ground depth: from 40 to 60 cm, very varied soil with sandstone and clay moraines which allow excellent water drainage and a constant reserve which lead to a well-balanced development of the plants.
Ventilation: good to strong, favored by the mountain formation surrounding Santo Stefano.
Slopes: from 40% to 80%
Exposure: South - East / South - West
Meters above sea: 294
Products: Colesel Valdobbiadene Elevo - Colesel Valdobbiadene Fontana Vecia-Colesel Valdobbiadene Prato Scuro

Fontana Vecia Vineyard

Location: Santo Stefano hamlet.
Morphology: medium clayey mixture, with skeleton. Located above the Valdobbiadene – Guia road, belonging to the Cretaceous geological era (lower, middle, upper).
Ground depth: from 40 to 60 cm, very rich in minerals, which provide good nourishment to the plants and transmit to the grapes those particular characteristics which will be found well blended in the glass.
Ventilation: good, due to the location of the vineyard on the edge of the mountain just below the woods. This promotes ventilation and cooler air which helps the plants in the summer.
Slopes: from 40% to 100%
Exposure: South
Meters above sea: 353
Products: Colesel Valdobbiadene Fontana Vecia - Colesel Valdobbiadene Elevo- Colesel Valdobbiadene Prato Scuro

Prato Scuro Vineyard

Location: Colle Umberto
Land Morphology: Mixed clayey and calcareous gravelly mixture.
Soil Depth:
From 40 to 80 cm, chalky mineral with elegant and fresh contributions to the grapes, ideal drainage for cultivation and maturation.
Ventilation: North-South, which favors the healthy ripening of the grapes by not allowing humidity to stagnate.
From 20% to 30%

Exposure: Southwest

Meters above sea: 210

Products: Colesel Valdobbiadene Prato Scuro- Colesel Valdobbiadene Fontana Vecia- Colesel Valdobbiadene Elevo

Mass de Mura

Località: Festisei di Pedavena all’interno del parco naturale delle Dolomiti Bellunesi

Provincia: Belluno

Morfologia terreno: origine Dolomitica, Calcari e calcari marnosi di colore rosa e rossiccio fittamente stratificati, con interstrati argillitici,appartenenti alla nota formazione della Scaglia rossa.
Terreno dalle caratteristiche ideali per la coltivazione di uve atte a base spumante dove si arricchiscono in mineralità ed eleganza.

Profondità terreno: 0,5-1 metro dove poi si incontra subito la roccia dolomitica. Drenaggio ottimale, ma con una buona ritenzione che permettono di evitare stress idrici durante il periodo di maturazione.
costante e fresca favorita dalla quota e dal fatto delle alte vette circostanti, dove durante il giorno il sole muove un vento ascensionale e discensionale nelle ore notturne favorendo cosi le escursioni termiche e l’aumento della componente aromatica delle uve.
Pendenze: 30%
Esposizione: Sud-Est
Metri sul mare: 601 Dolomiti

Vitigni: Chardonnay, Pinot Nero, Pavana, Merlot

I prodotti: Colesel Mass de Mura , Brosa